Treatment Approaches: What We Do

Nutrition & Lifestyle Optimization
We take the necessary time to review your diet and lifestyle patterns in-depth and make recommendations to help you achieve your health-related goals. These might include an examination of food allergies or intolerances, nutritional supplement recommendations, exercise and stress-management suggestions, and more.

Acupuncture & Other Hands On Techniques

Massage Therapy

Herbal Medicine
Plant-based or botanical medicines are a powerful, and often well-researched, therapeutic tool that can be used to support a wide-variety of health conditions. They are widely available in the form of tinctures, powders, capsules, tablets and teas.

IV Vitamin Therapy

Diagnostic Testing
Areas of Focus: What We Treat

Digestive Health

Fertility & Hormone Balance
There are many effective natural treatments for symptoms of hormonal imbalance such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, PMS, irregular periods, thyroid issues, etc.
Whether you are interested in regulating your menstrual cycle in preparation for conceiving (perhaps after a long period of birth control), suffering from recurring miscarriage, or undergoing IVF, we can help. Supplementation, herbs, and acupuncture have proven to be effective in many of our patients struggling with fertility issues.

Stress Management & Burnout
We believe this is one of the most important factors impacting the health of most people in our society these days. We often recommend testing to assess the health of the adrenal glands and to help us determine how well your body is coping with current levels of stress. Then, we are able to support your resilience with a treatment plan that might include nutritional and other lifestyle suggestions, herbal medicines, acupuncture, relaxation and mindfulness techniques, and appropriate levels of exercise.

Chronic Pain Management
Whether dealing with fibromyalgia, migraine headaches, sports injuries, arthritis, or other chronic pain conditions, natural and integrative pain management options are becoming an increasingly popular treatment choice. A combination of acupuncture, massage therapy, laser, ultrasound, nutritional advice, herbal supplements, and stress management has been effective for a number of our patients.

Complementary Cancer Care
Dr. Judah Bunin, ND, has taken a special interest in this field since 2010. We have many patients who are interested in complementary treatments and second opinions on their conventional therapies. Naturopathic medicine is used to support the patient through conventional treatment, giving them the best chance of fighting the disease while improving quality of life at the same time.

Mental Health
We have worked with many people who are dealing with varying degrees of anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, ADHD, and so on. Some patients are looking to avoid prescription medications, others want to enhance the effectiveness of their prescriptions or reduce their side-effects, while some are hoping to wean off their conventional medications. These are all serious decisions that require guidance from a health care professional trained in the use of natural medicines and who is willing to work alongside the conventional doctor who prescribed the medications.